Emotional Space

Text on “Imagery of an Emotional Space”
by Tiago Casanova


When a house or a space belongs to us or when we have an intimate affinity with it [1], the elements of its architecture (decoration, textures, patterns and objects) usually have two distinct characteristics: some of the elements remain indefinite throughout our entire lives while others are of paramount importance because of their emotional value.

The photographic image is used to illustrate the personal character of an architectural space and the people who live there or always had some relation to it. Eric de Maré refers to the way the photographer explores this idea when he states that The Photographer is perhaps the best architectural critic, for by felicitous framing and selection he can communicate direct and powerful comments both in praise and protest. [2]

  1. Maternal grandparents house (Series 1), Paternal grandfather restoration workshop (Series 2).

  2. Eric de Maré, National Monuments Periodical, 2007.

Translation review by José Roseira